
Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started

2025 Membership and Registration

2025 UQBC Membership fees (1 January - 31 December).

Adult membership: $957 + RQ fee (see below)

Full-time UQ student membership: $741 + RQ fee

Must be enrolled in minimum 75% course load at UQ in 2025.

If not enrolled at the time of membership renewal then the full adult fee will be charged and a rebate available once enrolment is completed.

School student membership: $525 + RQ fee

For students aged 15-18 years enrolled in full-time school

Please note:  The school student membership price already takes into account that the majority of school members will row at their school for two terms of the year.

Also, UQBC cannot accept school email addresses for membership registration. 

Rowing Queensland (RQ) Fee

This is your insurance and extra to club membership/access to equipment.

RQ competitive fee is:

  • $153.14 for over 19 and
  • $78 for under 19
  • $23.92 Cox under 19
  • $69.42 Cox over 19

Please note Rowing Queensland has introduced mandatory credit card payment for RQ capitation fee. 


Membership is from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2025

Rowers must renew their membership prior to rowing out of UQBC in 2025

Pro-rata memberships are not available for renewing members

New adult members joining UQBC for the first-time and part way through the season may still be offered a pro-rated rate but this is at the discretion of the Board.

Payment plans will be considered for members with genuine financial need, but full payment will ultimately be required.

Please contact our Treasurer if you would like to apply for a payment plan.

New Members

If you have previously been a member of another Club, you will start your renewal process via our website.

The system will flag that you are a new member and will need to process a transfer request.  Please do not register for UQBC membership until you receive an email confirming you can finalize your renewal and registration to UQBC. Otherwise reach out to UQBC or RQ if you have any questions regarding your membership.

Prospective members may be required to undertake an on-water assessment to evaluate safety and competency. UQBC expects a high level of independence and sufficiency from all members. Applicants who do not satisfy the competency requirements are invited to apply for the UQBC Learn to Row and/or Intermediate Program.

Please note that you must be 15 years of age or older to apply for membership at UQBC.


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